

"ABRCMS has solidified my passion to pursue a MD-PhD program. After speaking to many MD-PhD students in various stages of their studies, talking to the representatives of MD-PhD programs, and attending the session on ‘Is MD-PhD right for me?’ I have a stronger understanding of what the program entails and the endless possibility of paths that I could take as a physician-scientist."

– ABRCMS 2022 Undergraduate Attendee

"I now know the need to join scientific conferences and get to interact and share your science with fellow researchers and also learn new ways of improving upon what I already know."

– ABRCMS 2022 Undergraduate Attendee


"The extraordinary focus on mentoring students through presentations, graduate school recruiters, professional development and motivational talks, having speakers that students can relate to, lunches and dinners that make the students, and faculty, feel like their current accomplishments and future potential are noticed, is all-around outstanding."

– Past Faculty ABRCMS Attendee

"I enjoyed the conference. ABRCMS is very organized, and it was easy to get housing near the site. The students who attended were of exceptional quality and we met many of them interested in our programs."

– ABRCMS 2022 Program Director


"As an exhibitor in-person this year, we were able to engage with students at all stages and share information about all of our research training opportunities. Moreover, we were able to talk one on one with students to answer targeted questions and give tips on connecting with investigators about internships etc."

– ABRCMS 2022 Exhibitor

"I had a fantastic time attending the Graduate Symposium! It was a great opportunity to be among peers who look like me and conduct fantastic research. I stuck to my guns and fought really hard to attend this symposium and I am really glad that I did."

– ABRCMS 2022 Graduate Symposium Attendee


"The symposium provided a safe space to discuss vital and important issues that cannot be done at our home campuses. It was especially impactful because it allowed us to see first-hand that we were not alone in our struggles. "

– ABRCMS 2022 Graduate Symposium Attendee

"Honestly, I did not know anyone when I came there and at the end of 4 days, I made really good connections. Every table I shared at the conference was open for interaction and understanding of each other's backgrounds and open to sharing ideas. I was really missing the in-person conference and ABRCMS gave me a great opportunity for interaction."

– ABRCMS 2022 Judge Travel Awardee
