Exhibits – Policies, Terms and Conditions
A signed contract and formal notice of assignment by ABRCMS/ASM and the full payment of rental charges constitute a contract for the right to use the exhibition space. ABRCMS shall have full power to interpret or amend these guidelines. The exhibitor agrees to abide by any guidelines that may hereafter be adopted by ABRCMS/ASM.
Accessibility of Exhibits
All exhibits shall serve the interests of the ABRCMS/ASM attendees and are operated in a way that does not detract from other exhibits or from the exhibition. ABRCMS/ASM reserves the right to cancel or refuse the rental of display space to any person or company whose conduct or display of goods is, in the opinion of ABRCMS/ASM, incompatible with the general character and objectives of the exhibition.
Assignment of Space
Exhibit space is assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Although we do not guarantee to do so, ABRCMS/ASM will attempt to honor all requests for exhibit space.
Relocation/Reassignment of Space
All dimensions and locations shown on the official floor plan are believed to be accurate. ABRCMS/ASM reserves the right to make such modifications as may be necessary to meet the needs of the exhibitors and the exhibits program. ABRCMS/ASM reserves the right to relocate an exhibitor’s space due to modifications of the exhibit facility, fire marshal restrictions, or for any other reason in the best interest of the overall exhibit.
No Show Policy
The exhibitor will forfeit space not occupied by the close of the exhibit set-up period, 12 p.m. on Thursday, November 20, 2025. ABRCMS reserves the right to reissue unoccupied exhibit space as it sees fit.
Cancellation Policy
Exhibit booth cancellations must be received in writing by September 12, 2025 to receive a refund (minus a 50% processing fee per booth). No refunds will be issued after September 12, 2025 . Cancellation requests must be emailed to abrcmsexhibits@asmusa.org.
Children are not permitted in the Exhibit Hall during installation and dismantling hours.
Use of Space
No exhibits will be permitted that interfere with the use of other exhibits, block access to them, or impede the free use of the aisle. Solicitations or demonstrations by exhibitors must be confined within the bounds of their assigned space. Aisle space shall not be used for exhibit purposes, display signs, solicitation, or distribution of promotional material. Exhibits, signs, and displays are also prohibited in any of the public areas or elsewhere on the premises of the meeting facilities or in the guest rooms or hallways of the convention center. The operation of sound devices is allowed if the exhibitor complies with the discretion of the exhibit management on volume. Any firm or organization not assigned exhibit space will be prohibited from soliciting business at the conference. All exhibitors must surrender space occupied by them in the same condition it was at the commencement of occupation.
Construction and Arrangement
Exhibits must not project beyond the space allocated or obstruct the view of the exhibits of others. Displays must conform to all regulations listed in this contract and specifications provided in the exhibitor service manual. Reasonable effort must be made to provide space within the confines of the booth for interviews, demonstrations, distribution of materials, etc., so that visitors do not obstruct the aisles.
Care of Building and Equipment
Exhibitors, their employees, representatives, or agents must not injure or deface the walls or floors of the building, the booths, or the equipment of the booths. When such damage appears, the exhibitor is liable to the owner of the property so damaged. Nothing shall be posted, nailed, screwed or otherwise attached to columns, walls, floors or other parts of the building or furniture.
Fire Regulations
Exhibits may not have closed ceilings. All materials used in decoration must be flameproof. All hangings must clear the floor. Electrical wiring must conform with all local and state government requirements and to National Electrical Code Safety Rules. Combustible materials or explosives are not permitted in the exhibit area. If inspection indicates that any exhibitor has neglected to comply with these regulations, or otherwise incurs fire hazards, ABRCMS reserves the right to cancel all or such part of the exhibit as may be a hazard. Exhibitors must comply with all city fire regulations.
Injury, Loss, or Damage
Exhibits Management will not be responsible for any injury, loss or damage that may occur to the exhibitor’s employees or property and exhibitors shall indemnify and exempt ABRCMS/ASM, its agents and contractors and the Convention Center from all liability which may ensue from any cause whatsoever. Exhibits Management will not be liable for any injury, loss or damage which may be sustained by any person who may be on the premises leased or rented to the exhibitor or watching, observing or participating in any demonstration in the exhibitor’s exhibit unless such injury, loss or damage is caused by active negligence or willful act of Exhibits Management.
ABRCMS/ASM and the exhibit facility will not be responsible for the safety of the property of the exhibitors from theft, damage by fire, accident or other causes, but will use reasonable care to protect the exhibitors from such loss. No responsibility is assumed for unpacked materials left in the exhibit area after the closing hour of the exhibit. Exhibitors are solely responsible for their own exhibit material and should insure it against loss or damage. All property of an exhibitor is understood to remain in the exhibitor’s care, custody and control in transit to, within and in transit from the exhibit area.
Shipping/Transportation of Materials
Exhibitors and hotel/convention center employees are not allowed to use any material handling equipment, such as forklifts, flatbeds and dollies, within the boundaries of the facility. Freeman is the official shipping and transportation provider for ABRCMS. If an outside company is used, Freeman will charge an additional fee for accepting, storing, delivering, and returning all packages regardless of weight.
Sponsorship and Advertisement - Policies, Terms and Conditions
All advertisements are subject to approval by ABRCMS/ASM. A signed contract certifies that as a representative of the organization/institution you will submit payment to ABRCMS/ASM within 10 days upon receiving the invoice. Please note that funds will be treated as contributions. Accordingly, the signature acknowledges that these contributions are for ABRCMS 2025, and that any remaining funds should be carried over to future conference activities.
No agency commission or cash discounts permitted. Payments are due by the deadline specified on the invoice. If payment is not received by specified date, sponsor/advertiser will lose sponsorship/advertising reservation. ABRCMS/ASM reserves the right to resell sponsorship/advertising opportunities where payment is not received by the payment deadline.
Cancellation Policy
Before September 12, 2025: A 50% processing fee will be applied for all sponsorship/advertisement cancellations received before September 12, 2025.
After September 12, 2025: No refunds will be granted for cancelled advertisements or sponsorships. ABRCMS/ASM will work with advertisers to reallocate cancelled advertising/sponsorship fees to other opportunities. ABRCMS/ASM reserves the right to resell advertising space from cancelled reservations.
Cancellation requests must be received in writing and e-mailed to abrcmsexhibits@asmusa.org.
Join Us at ABRCMS 2025 as an Exhibitor or Sponsor!
Contact our team today to discover exciting sponsorship and exhibition opportunities. Let's make a difference together at this year's conference.