Guidelines and Best Practices for Poster, ePoster and Oral Presentations

Follow these presentation guidelines to have a successful presentation experience.

Previous ABRCMS presentation awardees, post-undergraduate individuals taking a gap year, and graduate students are ineligible to receive awards.

Guidelines for Poster Presentations

Poster Policy

The only items allowed to be adhered to the poster board are the poster and poster number. No other visuals are permitted. All images used within a poster must add to the scientific discussion. Apart from the university and funding agency logo, non-scientific images are not allowed. In addition, no computers or other aids may be used. Failure to abide by this policy will disqualify the presenter from receiving a presentation award.


Guidelines for Oral Presentations

Guidelines for Virtual ePoster Presentations

The ePoster PDF must be uploaded by 11:59 pm PT on Nov. 6. No exceptions will be made.


ABRCMS presenters are encouraged to make sure their presentation is accessible to all. In addition to taking into consideration the tips mentioned above, more resources can be found below: